Oct 10, 2023
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department News
Las Vegas, October 10, 2023 – In a ceremony at police headquarters this week, LVMPD Sheriff Kevin McMahill presented Las Vegas businessman Antonio Accornero with a Deputy Sheriff’s badge in recognition of his dedicated work with the LVMPD and his graduation from the Academy last year. As a a long-time supporter of the Department, Accornero makes not only monetary contributions, but he also donates his time to important causes by attending LVMPD events, large and small.
Sheriff McMahill thanked Mr. Accornero for his unwavering support of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Humbled, Accornero responded, “I’m always here to help in any way I can. I’m grateful for the protection that the men and women of Metro provide all of us here in our growing city.”
As an established “Friend of Metro,” Accornero is committed to continuing his support and maintaining a close working relationship with the Department. His newest endeavor comes in the form of developing a coalition among business owners and community leaders across the Las Vegas Valley. In a recent meeting with two Area Captains, he finalized the details of establishing citizens groups to work in concert with law enforcement officers to build a stronger, safer city.
For his part, Sheriff McMahill is intent on making the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department the most technologically-advanced police department in the United States by developing partnerships with companies and individuals to deploy advanced technologies that make the community safer. This will include the innovative and appropriate use of drone technology, DNA labs, weapon detection, and an expansion of a Real Time Crime Center — all aimed at enhancing the Department’s ability to reduce officer-involved-shootings and fight crime as a whole. In this ever-changing world climate, that’s more important than ever.
For information on how to support the LVMPD, please visit https://lvmpdfoundation.org/ Contributions to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department support LVMPD area commands, special units, equipment, training, hundreds of community engagement programs & initiatives, and crime prevention events that build relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve. For the latest updates on Antonio’s work with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, please visit www.AntonioAccornero.com
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
400 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.