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Local Philanthropist Continues Support of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

Jul 12, 2022

Benefitting the LVMPD Women of Metro

Las Vegas, July 12, 2022 – Las Vegas businessman Antonio Accornero presented a check to the LVMPD’s Women of Metro on Tuesday, as a show of his continuing support of the Police Department. Not only did Accornero donate to the Women of Metro, but he also generously twice-matched the gift with additional checks: one to the United Way of Southern Nevada and one to Child Haven. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department works very closely with both of these organizations, and Mr. Accornero’s donations will assist with citywide events held throughout the year.

“It’s very important to me to give back to my hometown, and I’m happy to be in a position to do that,” said Accornero. “I’m eager to continue fostering my relationship with Metro, as well as developing an ongoing connection with their community partners.”

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department created The Women of Metro Division to recognize and highlight the women in the department and the importance that diverse perspectives bring to the community. These women are dedicated to ensuring public safety and strengthening the relationships between the LVMPD and the people they serve. To find out more, please visit

The United Way of Southern Nevada stands at the center of the community to provide solutions to Clark County's toughest problems. Working side-by-side with Southern Nevada nonprofits, businesses, and local leaders, UWSN tackles critical human services issues and builds pathways out of poverty. Donations to UWSN stay local and support the entire community and not just one cause. For more information, go to:

Child Haven is a Clark County-funded shelter for abused and neglected children. When children are removed from their homes and placed into protective custody, they have few, if any, personal belongings. The Department of Family Services provides a duffel bag filled with new clothing, toys, and other essential items to children when they depart the Child Haven campus to live with relatives or in a foster home. The Department does not receive funding to purchase the duffel bags and their contents. Instead, they rely on the generosity of community partners and the general public to help supply these basic necessities.

Below are links to the social media pages of the United Way of Southern Nevada :

Antonio Accornero is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who is a long-time resident of Las Vegas. Some of the ways he is engaged in his community include: working directly with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the District Attorney’s office, and other organizations to address the immediate needs of individuals and the community as a whole; donating his own private funds and holding fundraisers to contribute to the public good; actively participating in political processes and supporting local police in order to improve and protect the quality of life for all Nevadans; and providing scholarships to deserving students to fund their education in various disciplines. For more information about Antonio’s philanthropic efforts and how to become involved with the above-mentioned charitable organizations, please visit

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